It's mid September now and many of our veggie babies are aged and dying :(
Bye bye snap peas, you were so adorable and tasty my kids could eat you every day. So long cucumbers, you made amazing bread and butter pickles and summer squash oh how I loved shredding raw, sauteing or stuffing you.... till we meet again, next year!
On the other hand, I still have tons of unripe tomatoes, peppers just starting to produce and green beans growing out of my ears!! #1 yield-er again this year; Green Beans, first prize! I have 5 ziplock bags full of blanched, frozen green beans already in my freezer and I'm still picking a basketful every day. Still haven't done any canning but I may break down and do it if those tomatoes ever ripen, then maybe I'll can up some three bean salad, my freezer is getting full.
Here's what I picked today (9/13/11)
You also see here some herbs (my basil basically came back from the dead, have no idea how or why) and Calendula flowers I've been picking to make Calendula oil; very good for the skin and I plan to make some type of ointment out of it. The red kale (underneath) was a great crop; just kept cutting the leafs when they got large and they just kept growing more. But all my greens are phasing out now. Since our winter squash has mostly been picked, and weren't all that impressive anyway, I imagine the next pictures you'll see will be the start of next years garden (sigh) :)
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