This is an official blog entry for the Blogging Scholarship. If selected, I'll receive $1000 towards my college expenses in 2012. This scholarship is sponsored by
The most important issue in the 2012 Presidential Election will without a doubt be fixing the economy. The way I see it, the only way to achieve this will be by stopping, and reversing, economic and industrial globalization. The free flow of information and ideas, that the creation of the internet has afforded us, is to be preserved. But the overuse of technology to replace working people, and the transferring of jobs and commodities across borders and oversees, especially those essential to our daily lives, simply has got to stop. The driving force behind economic globalization is greed; cut costs, at any human and environmental cost, in order to maximize profits. A system driven by a negative force such as greed will never yield
positive fruit. We will not fix the country's, or the world's, problems
until we decide collectively to reverse this negative system. Addressing this issue will simultaneously address 3 issues at once; economy, energy and the environment. .
The concept is very simple; if I want to earn my living manufacturing plastic children's toys, I will do it right here in my own home state, committing to handle any waste and pollution created locally, this way I will be aware and accountable for the environmental implications of manufacturing products of this type. I should be willing to give up my land, sacrificing it's potential use for living, green space or farming, if I believe in the value of my product. See, local economies have tighter feedback systems, so when problems
arise affecting the lives of the people and their environments in this
system, they are acknowledged and addressed quicker. Not only will environmental issues be less likely to get swept under the rug, but also localized
economies use less energy to function. For instance, I live in Connecticut, we can grow many varieties of apples here, but if I want a pineapple I will have to import it
and since this is more energy consumptive I should pay a significantly higher cost per pound than my local apples. This should encourage people to eat primarily locally grown food and buy locally made products. Consuming what is available locally means less fossil
fuels used in transport, resulting in decreased dependence on foreign oil, and consequently producing less pollution in the form of greenhouse
gasses. Additionally, if I
need someone to handle customer service for my business, I will hire
someone locally who has customer service experience rather than someone 4000 miles away just because they require less pay. Hiring local help will create jobs for the people who consume local goods, and fair wages will be paid because when you have a consistent face to face relationship with the people you
employ and do business with, you feel more accountable to them. We need to foster in a new era in which supporting and having healthy relationships with the people in
your community (and respecting the human rights of all people across the globe) is more important than getting rich, owning unlimited cheap plastic toys, or eating pineapples every day. People over products.
It's true that on this localized system, we would have limited access to many of the goods we have become
accustomed to, but in all
reality, we need to accept that in the last 30 years we have been living a lifestyle entirely
ignorant of the confines of our planet and thus rapidly depleting our resources. Unless we plan on finding a second planet to live on, we are going to have to accept that we need to scale back our expectations. We in the industrialized world have been sold the idea that material possessions equate to happiness, and so we spend and spend, never truly happier and all the more in debt. The people reaping the most benefit from the current system are the few at the top of the major banks and corporations. They've convinced us we need the most trivial products, the vast majority of which are made overseas at a lower cost to them and consequently not providing jobs for the people they aim to sell the products to. We buy, we go into debt, and the corporations and banks get rich.
These banks and corporations are consumed by greed and will not volunteer to take reformative actions. It is the government's responsibility to enforce laws that protect and benefit it's people but to be honest at this point in time I don't think even the worlds governments are any match against the muscle of the major global corporations. I personally am not holding my breath waiting and hoping on the outcome of the next election. It is likely that only widespread, grassroots effort will bring about a positive future. People need to come out of their houses, get out of their cars, step away from their televisions, get together and talk to each other. We have many differences but most of us share a common goal; a peaceful existence for future generations on this planet. If we can focus on that goal, suspend our judgements against each other and adopt a more realistic perspective on what is achievable for our species on this planet, we can open up our collective creative potential to achieve it. It's time for communities to unite and generate the tides of change.
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